Website speed test
21 June 2010
We've recently been doing some research into improving website download times.
For most of our hosted websites this isn't a big issue as they already have a small footprint and our code is written by hand so very streamlined. Where there is some impact is for larger websites with a lot of photo or video content and/or external JavaScript files.
If you have any concerns about the load times for people accessing your website you should start by running this Website Speed and Performance Optimization report over your website.
The report will give you an idea of how your websites' speed compares to other websites and highlight areas where improvements can be made. Sometimes these will relate to external files (Google Analytics for example) over which we have no control.
On our new web server features such as compression and caching are enabled by default. It also uses new image compression techniques reducing image file sizes by an extra 30% compared to the old server.