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AWS encryption attack mitigation

We have a few websites now where files are being stored in the cloud using Amazon S3 storage. So bringing to your attention...

The Messaging Company

If you're reading this you may be aware that iiNet and related email addresses have recently been offloaded to The Messaging...

New email hosting package available

Through our new Dreamscape portal you can now subscribe to a hosted email package for your domain, at very reasonable prices....

New Dreamscape Domain Portal

For those of you with domain names registered through Chirp's Dreamscape account, the new portal can be accessed at

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Website upgrades

18 June 2010

Some of you will be aware that we've been busy this month transferring websites from our old (circa 2003) web server to our new server (circa 2009).

Our plan is to continue this process for most or all hosted websites. The new server is running the latest versions of our core software (Apache, PHP, PostgreSQL, ...), is more powerful, more robust, and serves pages using built in compression to reduce load times.

Before transferring each website we are upgrading the database and content management system (CMS) to make them compatible with the new environment. These changes, while not apparent to web browsers, are a big step forward technically and will open the way to more useful and interactive features.

This can be a tricky process, especially for the older websites (we have some dating back to 1998) so we're proceeding cautiously.

If you do notice any of the following issues, please submit a report via email:

  • broken links on your website;
  • problems adding news items, products or other database items;
  • errors when uploading new photos or files; or
  • errors when replacing existing photos or files.

In most cases we will be notified automatically of any problems, and can fix them within a few hours, but otherwise we rely on your feedback.

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