TPG email problems - RESOLVED
20 June 2015
Since late Thursday the mail servers at TPG have been having problems accepting emails for some of our clients. TPG have been notified and we're waiting on their response.
If you have a mailbox at TPG and are missing emails from the last few days, you should:
- contact them with the relevant details (which we can provide); and
- give us an alternative mailbox (Gmail, Hotmail, ...) which can be used in the interim so you don't lose those emails.
If the problem is not resolved shortly our mail server will give up on sending some of the blocked emails after 96 hours.
We are not having any issues delivering to other mailboxes.
Update: The problem has been resolved for now by disabling the TLS handshake when talking to TPGI mail servers. Any delayed emails should be arriving in your inbox now.
« 30 May Datacenter Outage Incident Report